Parish Life
The parish has many ways for members to become more involved. Please prayerfully consider some of the ways in which you can be more active in the parish.
Students in 4th grade or older and adults are invited to participate during Mass as servers. Adults are needed to help at funeral Masses when the service is on a school day. Help for Saturday evening Mass is also needed. Contact Karen Newton at 419-576-0727 if you are interested.
Eucharistic Ministers
Members 17 years or older may volunteer to serve as Eucharistic Ministers during Mass. This is a two-year commitment. Ministers who are available to visit shut-ins on a rotating schedule are also needed. Contact Father Melwin at 419-497-2161 if you would like to volunteer.
Get involved in the Mass by proclaiming God's word as a lector. Contact Father Melwin at 419-497-2161 to learn more.
Help is always welcome for volunteers to help seat people during heavy attendance and assist with the· collection. Men, women, and youth are all able to help with this ministry. See one of the current ushers if you would like to help with this service.
Your smile and a warm handshake are all that are needed to help with this activity. Greeting people at Mass is a wonderful opportunity for families to serve together. Please see Chris Newton 419-576-0728 if you would like to serve as a greeter.
Religious Education
Our Religious Education program is available for children age 4 and 5 for preschool through senior year. Contact Mindy Smith at 419-980-1157 or Mary Jo Beilharz at 419-783-1549 if you are an adult interested in helping to teach classes.
Youth Group
Junior high through high school students are invited to be active in our Youth Group. The youth perform service projects and join together for prayer and recreation activities. Contact Mary Rose at 419-497-2255 to learn more.
Parents for Religious Education (PRE)
These parents coordinate activities that benefit our religious education programs. Fundraisers such as monthly bake sales are planned, as well as recreational activities for the Religious Education students. To help with this program, contact Jenny Weber at 419-615-5033.
Altar and Rosary Society
All ladies of the parish are invited to help with this group's events. These ladies provide wonderful service to our parish through planning and serving funeral dinners. They also sponsor many activities to raise funds for various parish programs. The biggest event is the spring craft show, which involves a lunch stand and bake sale at the K of C. For more information, please contact Denise Hornish at 419-428-6554 or Shelby Beck at 419-758-3135.
Parish Council
This group provides guidance to Father Melwin and helps with decisions that affect the parish. Elections are held in the spring for a two-year term. Contact Father Melwin if you would like to serve in this function.
Cemetery Committee
This group oversees the maintenance of the cemetery. Elections are held in the spring. Let Father Melwin know if you would like to run for a position with this committee. If you have any questions, please contact Ed Steffel at 419-758-3574.
Do you have a green thumb? Help is always appreciated with the upkeep of the front flower bed. See or call Nancy Stehulak at 419-497-4445 if you would like to help.
The St. Michael's Festival, held in August, is our biggest fundraiser and social activity. The event involves much planning and work prior to the actual day of the festival. Help is needed with preparing food, setting up tents, tables, and chairs. Nearly all parish members help in some way on the day of the festival. Contact Joan McBride at 419-428-4773 to be added to the worker's list, or Kevin Hoschak at 419-497-4531 if you would like to help on the planning committee.
If you have a special talent or business activity that you would like to volunteer for with the parish (painting, plastering, snow removal, tree trimming, etc), please contact Father Melwin to donate your time to help with any improvements. All help is welcomed and appreciated.